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Org vs. Com …

This blog used for publishing. Apparently, is the correct service to use for flexibility, etc. So I’ve paid for hosting in order to experiment with this editor. Once again I’m willing to pay to learn something new. Lifelong-learner, that’s me!

One thing I’ve learned so far is that exporting and importing doesn’t go smoothly. All my 2019 posts disappeared. Now the question is whether it is worth posting them again. Actually, I could probably delete everything except that it makes me feel good to look back on where I’ve been.

Update: I’ve copied some of my posts and uploaded them here again. Can’t seem to get them exported and imported correctly!

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First time for an old-timer

Welcome! This is my first time as a blogger. While I don’t think that I have much to add to the blogosphere, I am putting my toe in the water because of a class assignment. We were assigned to create a blog as part of an e-Marketing class and can write about absolutely anything. Figuring out what topic I could talk about has been pretty tough for me. Fortunately, my youngest son suggested that I post the book reviews I write for a local group. My first will be a title I read last year but as I progress along the blog road, I’ll post more current readings. Thanks for joining me on the journey.

About me: I am a junior high school teacher-librarian in the suburbs of Seattle, Washington. My school is full of readers and I love talking with them about books. They are very good resources for new titles and authors to try. I also review books for the Washington Young Adult Review Group (aka WASHYARG) and have been part of the Evergreen Young Adult Book Award committee for several years. These roles have introduced me to many books I would probably not have picked up on my own and have resulted in me writing hundreds of book reviews and promotions. I plan to share some with you.

Besides book reviews, I plan to share links to sites I find useful for choosing books for my library. Other links I will share include book trailer videos (some created by my students), lists of awards, and other booklists I have found. I hope you will be part of this community and share titles, links, and ideas you have about the world of YA books.